Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dude Values: Issue of Production: Why You So Busy?

Seriously, it’s kind of ridiculous.

This Dude is specifically productive, especially in the context of social forums. The Knitter is recognized at music shows, bringing personal projects to work on before or during the entertainment. This dude will set up or attend “craft nights” - social gatherings where attendees simultaneously work on personal projects.

CRAFT CIRCLES are a formidable, if unpublicized, force in the Dude Community. For every testosterone-laden melee, there is an unseen flock assembling products and objects, chatting and quaffing.

The Lone Wolf - This dude is not necessarily prone to Monsterism or being a Living Nerve, but more driven to produce whatever they are pushing themselves to make and generally are uncomfortable with employing others in their pursuits, or just prefer a solitary way of working. This may or may not be coupled with the single life, though relationships have been known to frustrate the Lone Wolf’s attempts to find their production tempo. May or may not be willing to help with group efforts for someone else’s project.

Hyper aware of the folk trappings of marriage, this Dude Unit endeavors to not get caught up in the easy malaise of a relationship by overcompensating and becoming basically a Dabbling Duo, by attempting to be as productive as single dudes can be. Adding children to the equation amps up the stakes, and at this point latent Dabbling Tendencies are converted to Serious Busyness. This is a tense transition for some; you may note loud pronouncements that pre-children couples (all childless couples are pre-children in this viewpoint) don’t really understand the world, and encouragements issued to all their friends to join them on their sinking ship. Demonizing or at least mocking older single dudes like Dancing Grandma is another result of this attempt to reset their Dude Network’s conception of maturity.

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