Monday, April 27, 2009

The Church of Awesomeness

What is the mysterious awesomeness that some chronically pursue?

Though Dudes have been suspected by traditional society as being devoid of or having dubious value system, there exists an overarching value at the core of the Dudes. Anchored in the defining qualities of individualism, this value may be dubbed Awesomeness. This value system is entirely exclusive to Dudes, and indeed represents the absolute exemplification of Dude culture and quality, often in refutation of certain value systems of Folk and Dick.
An awesome dude’s primary occupation organically extends from the principle of individuality, or “Dude Currency”. A dude in quest of awesomeness actively uses her individual nature in service to the Dude Community. In this, the awesome dude unifies both dick and folk impulses, achieving the perpetual vibration of a spiritual trinity.
Aspiration to awesomeness resembles a religious calling in that it overtly rejects “common” lifestyle options. However, “awesomeness” does not restrict one’s behavior as a set of commandments or laws, but more resembles a code of honor.
An awesome dude may or may not have a locally present genetic family, but has developed allegiance to Dude Family (which may include members of genetic family). The awesome Dude will have typical need for cash earning and survival, but never taxes his own dude economy with excessive freeloading or creative exploitation. This will never be an awesome dude.
Henceforth, we propose a definition of a Dude: a person in the pursuit of awesomeness, for themselves and for others.

(Please see Rebecca Solnit’s excellent article Sometimes Maybe Possibly: Radical Diffidence, Or The Shy Downturned Face of Revolution in Our Time for a general characterization of contemporary Dudes (Patriots) attempting to pursue Awesomeness in their daily lives by individually rejecting a culture enormously awash in Dick values, piece by piece.)

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