These types are not solely endemic to dudes, but refer to more broad characterizations of personality types that appear deviant in society. Because Dudes are generally more tolerant of deviance, they tend to pop up with frequency in the Network. THE CREEPThe Creep is remarkably versatile and can be found in the company of a variety of Dudes and Folks. The Creep is aware of social norms and mores, but has made a wholly individual discovery: social rules are inessential. Perhaps this discovery arises from the internal acknowledgement of deviant predilections. The Creep has no intention of relinquishing its predilections, but has a sense that they should be secret from the world-at-large. In this way, the Creep gains a heightened sense of self-as-outsider. The Creep can be social or non-social in activity, but always has a guarded sense of its own attitudes in relation to those of others. This gives the Creep a certain sidelong glance as it scans individuals, attempting to discern how much of its bent it can safely reveal. Conversationally, it is given to silent pauses and deflective techniques. When unleavened by social jocularity, these irregular qualities give rise to the uneasy reaction that many associate with the Creep.
There are many types of outsiders to social medians, but it is the Creep who is most covertly aware of its outsider status. Perhaps there are two kinds of Creeps – those brought up in an environment that directly denied some crucial predilection, and those whose predilection is deviance itself.
The irregular pacing of the Creep can be quite charming, depending on one’s degree of attachment to social norms. The Creep is so named for its furtive qualities, preferring stealth and shadows, where its activities will not attract attention.
The Creep is a Trauma Victim that refuses to be defined by that Trauma, though it is always an active battle. To uncover the Trauma of the Creep is the most rewarding relationship you can forge with him.
THE JERKThe Jerk is so named for a disruptive social sensibility. The Jerk is a master of timing, quick with interjection – unconscious blurts or well-aimed jabs that tend to offend. The Jerk’s jerkiness can be subtle or overt. All Jerks have a heightened association with agitation, or “jerking.”16 You might say that a jerk has an excessive amount of dudeness - that is, an excessive amount of self-definition. Something can be defined if it can be clearly distinguished from something else, and so jerks focus on defining themselves against other people.17The motivation of the Jerk is variable, lying somewhere between nobility and asshole-ism. On the noble end of the spectrum, the Jerk performs a valuable social role, perhaps stemming from some sort of Jerk Code. For example, when social conventions and unspoken rules are allowing some kind of horrible shit to happen, a jerk will be the first person to open its mouth and say something. On a lesser scale, the jerk simply prevents social niceties from slipping into bland mistruths. Thusly the jerk may come to possess a sense of righteousness (the accuracy of the righteousness being dependant upon the accuracy of the “truth” the Jerk perceives and imposes).
On the other end, the Jerk is motivated by a titillation – the demonstration of its own power to yank a body from whatever indulgent inertia the jerk perceives it engaging. Sometimes, however, jerks may be so jerky that they cannot and do not perform any kind of positive social role. Such people are known as assholes. They will be argumentative and bullying just for the sake of being an asshole. In this case, there is less of an allegiance to the Jerk Code of truth telling. An asshole can be such an asshole that they end up destroying relationships that are important to their own well-being, and ultimately destroy themselves. This is the Dude Monsterism.18
Certainly an objective consideration of the Jerk can value it as palette cleanser. However, motivated Jerks are rarely warmly received. A repeat victim will be unable to feel comfortable in the presence of a Jerk, anticipating a variety of ridicule. The motivated Jerks enjoy this deference, as it bows to their power, and can incorporate it into a kind of personalized abuse.
Other Jerks are more impish, playing liberally with a sense of obfuscation and surprise, more misleading than mocking. The classic Tricksters are, perhaps, real Jerks.
THE CHARMERThe Charmer wields a combination of sparkling essence and unintentional attractiveness in a manner most find quite flirtatious. This is a naturally powerful personality, effectively opposite of the antagonism of the jerk. In dudes we often experience it in abbreviated encounters, as many Charmers utilize a distancing technique of awkwardness, which of course compounds the effect with a layer of intrigue. The Charmer as dude must learn to positively channel its large charge towards some engrossing project, lest it risk the consequences of casually attracting the greedy Monsters lurking within fellow Dudes. THE UNLUCKY DUDE shares with the Conspira-seer a certainty that the universe is against him. Indeed, it very much appears that way, as this Dude is constantly, sadly relating another trial in his life. On the surface level, his trials are trivial and actually humorous, but make no mistake, his problems go all the way down, and gain a deep and tragic weirdness as they go. In penis-bearers, this type could possibly be the result of grappling with a Dude-like self-thwart over the reality of his unfortunately large penis. **VictimTHE SPOOKThe Spook might provoke a similar effect to that of the Creep, as you feel kind of uneasy in its presence. It may seem distant until you gain familiarity; then it will evoke an implied intimacy through a somewhat sly manner, communicating best in small groupings during dark hours. Hanging out with the Spook will eventually come around to urban exploration (possibly tagging), ghost and conspiracy stories, tarot readings and other circus activities.The Living NerveThis person is personally uncomfortable and provokes a chain reaction of discomfort in others. Does not operate well in large groups, and has a hard time understanding others’ points of view. Achieves Dudeness through one-on-one interactions and through the internet, which encourages indirect interaction and indulgence in obsessions.