Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dude Values: Issue of Production

Motivated Group Efforts

Some Projects are so large - especially the fostering and securing of Dude Empires - that they require the participation of several or many Dudes; however, this is specifically
not referring to the self-centered efforts of the Motivated Hipster and his ilk. (We can judge the difference by observing the nature of the Motivation. If there is a major motivation stockholder - ie, if this specific person withdrawing from the project would mean its collapse - then we do NOT have a Motivated Group.) There are numerous varieties of and purposes for group endeavors, but the functioning core of each type of Motivated Group is specially constructed to reasonably distribute responsibilities (and rewards) among participants. There are many degrees of success on the path of the motivated group - the beauty of a Strong Dude Network can really shine through in these instances, or perhaps a fatal weakness may be exposed. Furthermore, the positive presence of Motivated Group’s Dude Empire may result in the fostering of Strong Dudism in many up-and-coming Dude youth.

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