Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Weak Dude/Dick Hybrids

As a numbers game, the Dicks’ portrayal of coolness (in the service of sales pitch) often works in their favor, to varying degrees. I mean, don’t get me wrong, the Dicks are so entrenched that they literally write the rules of the game, so of course they are “winning” in a big way. Indeed, we can observe many humans who have learned about Dudism primarily through a Dick lens, and if that human does not dig any deeper, we then note a Weak Dude/Dick Hybrid.

The self-dubbed Rock Star is the guy who sidesteps his or her own mediocrity by being aggressively enthusiastic about the objects of “his” or “her” taste. In this way, it places itself at the pinnacle of some externally defined cultural pyramid, experiencing at least the illusion of power dominance. See Dude Training for origins of Rock Stars. Probably just a Dick after all.

SPORTS DUDES are dudes heavily involved in watching and participating in various sports (duh), but generally they can move away from dudism the deeper they get into their obsession (like any other). This movement might seem to be Folkish, but is in fact technically Dickish, as Sports itself is an originally Dickish pasttime. The obsessive quality would normally indicate a straight line towards monsterism, but because there is a deep sub-language of sports in dick and folk culture, the monsterism can be thus masked.10

Douchebag or Tool (perhaps Douche Nozzle): This is a person truly on the cusp between Dick and Dude - fervently embracing a Venn Slice between these two categories. It is instinctual to be repulsed by these types.

The Weak Dude/Dick hybrid announces itself most physically in the Sausage Party, a common gathering of self-identified “bros” (may include a small content of girlfriend (fuck accessory) or otherwise tamed vagina). Sausage parties are celebrations of shared maleness that stand as islands of relief from wild vaginas that naturally compromise and question the evident power of the dick. Sausage parties often focus on a shared hobby or consumable, such as sports, music, comic books, tai chi or booze. Explicit competition or mastery of the subject recreates a familiar and reassuring power structure to place himself within the sausage grouping. The more True Dude version of the Sausage Party exists, consisting of a group of Guys. Guys, of course, include women as well as men. This Gang of Guys may in fact occur when Stronger Uterine Dudes begin to infiltrate a junior sausage party - no tamed v’s here.

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